All life is born out of relationship.

We are the alchemy of many different cell structures created from the stars, oceans, the earth beneath our feet and so much more. In fact, our bodies are comprised of more microbial cells than they are of specifically human cells, we literally are a living eco-system. As such, as with all parts of nature, we are intimately connected with all of life around and within us.

When these connections are felt, recognized and tended to from a place of reciprocity, we reclaim our place within the web of life and whole-heartedly live into the unique opportunity that being a human being is. We become vital.

Vital - from Latin vitalis "of or belonging to life"

I offer this work in a variety of ways through one-on-one mentoring, leadership programs and training, village hearth ceremonies and also specifically working with women to reclaim their cyclical natures. Weaving together the heart, mind, body as a whole, and spirit.

I recognize that this journey can take great courage. To meet the need for mutual support and valuing, I weave community building into all my courses.


Village Nature

Yearlong Journeys to Awaken the Indigenous Heart & Mind

March 2024 – February 2025

Are you looking to grow your connection to the natural world and a heart led nature-based culture?

Our journeys of nature-based transformative learning will support you to bring regenerative cultural practices into your life and seed cultural healing in your communities.

Menarche Moon

A Rites of Passage Journey for Young Girls & their Mothers

This will be three days of sacred ground where we will support the young girls to prepare for the menstrual cycle, support the mothers to explore their own menarche time, and support the connection of the mother-daughter relationship.

It will offer the mom insights into how to support her daughter through both her first menarche and her transition into the teenage years, as well as supporting the mother herself to fully integrate her own menarche experience.

  • What if we mentored young girls into womanhood?

  • What if we showed them how powerful they are?

  • What if you could time travel and hold our own inner maiden?

  • What if we celebrated each others uniqueness and enoughness?


Body Literacy Workshop

for women & their partners

March 1st, 2-4pm, Galway

Please come along to this introduction if you'd like to learn how track your health through your menstrual cycle, and which exact days you are fertile and infertile, for contraception with the same efficacy as condoms and hormonal birth control, or for natural conception support.

The Nature of Village

A Nature-Based Village Experience Exploring Cultural Repair through the 8 Shields Model

2024 date coming soon


Come experience a multi-generation immersion, exploring how deep nature connection leads to personal healing and cultural repair. Through coming together as a village, each with our unique gifts and a commitment to intergenerational and peer mentoring, we will experience how it is to live and share our lives from a place of activated connection to self, each-other and all of life.


Drawing on observed wisdom from nature and learnings from earth based cultures, learn how nature connection and cultural repair are two things that go hand in hand, arising together.

Inner Nature Offerings

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Healing & Mentoring


EarthDreaming Courses


Womens Health




“We are born from the alchemy of many different cell structures created from the stars, oceans, the earth beneath our feet and so much more.”